Relationship Therapy
"Pain/Trauma that is not transformed is transmitted."
Richard Rohr
My goal is to help people redefine how they think of family.
Our wounds happen in relationship and so does our healing. Whether seeking repair for relationships in rupture, addressing issues and wounds from the past, looking to develop a deeper understanding of one another, or improving communication and conflict resolution, Relationship Therapy is about healing and creating sustainable change through connection.
Is this for me?
Labors of Love works with ALL relationships (ages 14+):
Biological, Adoptive, Chosen Families
Romantic Partners
Work Partners/Co-Workers
Team or Band Mates
We specialize in working with Adolescent Transracial Adoptive families, Multi-generational families, Mother/Daughter relational dynamics, and Athletes and Faith-Leaders and their partners.
We are anti-racist, trauma-responsive, and LGBTQ+ affirming. We create and nurture space for people to be fully themselves and heal from the roots up.
Relationship Therapy clients must be Ohio Residents
We do not accept insurance
Still unsure?
Watch this video to learn more about how it works.